Tuesday, October 18, 2011



The ARDUINO-Home Page is a great website for starters; here, you can find all the information you need to learn and understand Arduino before working on the projects.




In this website, you can learn a number of things. For example,  you can learn what an Arduino is, what it can do for us, the different parts involved in Arduino, the software/hardware of Arduino and information about the Arduino team. You can also learn about the different Arduino distributors and manufacturing companies around the world. In addition, if you are interested in downloading Arduino software or buying Arduino kits then this website is just right for you.  

There is a “Getting Started with Arduino” section in this website which is my favorite section of the website because it includes some significant things you need to know before starting to do the Arduino labs. For instance, it includes:

·         Introduction: What is Arduino? Why would you want to use it?
·         Installation: Step-by-step instructions for setting up the Arduino software and connecting it to an Arduino Uno, Mega2560, Duemilanove, Mega, or Diecimila.
·         Environment: Description of the Arduino development environment.
·         Troubleshooting: What can you do if things don’t work out?
·         Instructions for other boards: How to use different types of Arduino boards?

The “Learning” section is also as great as the “Getting Started with Arduino” section. The “Learning” section includes a number of things as shown below:
·         Core Functions: Simple programs that demonstrate basic Arduino commands.
·         Basics: The very basic things that you can create with Arduino.
·         Digital: Digital things you can do with Arduino such as Blink without Delay, Button, Debounce, Tone, Pitch follower and etc.
·         Analog: AnalogInOutSerial, Analog Input, AnalogWriteMega, Calibration, Fading, Smoothing.
·         Communication: Includes examples with code that allows the Arduino to talk to Processing sketches running on the computer.
·         Control Structures: If Statement, For/While Loop, Switch Case, Switch Case 2.
·         Sensors: 4 different sensors.
·         Display: Examples of basic display control.
·         Strings: Different String Methods.

In the “Learning” section, there are also different libraries of Arduino software and different libraries of parts of Arduino. You will also find a “Language Reference” section in this site which is very useful for coding. Another section available in this site is the “Hardware” section which provides information of Official Arduino Boards and Official Arduino Shields. The very last section is the “FAQ” section where you will find the answers for questions you might be having about Arduino.


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