Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Arduino hands-on guide,
Arduino In Action


      This wonderful website is the right website for you if you are looking an arduino hands-on guide book to prototyping and building electronics using the Arduino platform.

                         Site Screenshot:

Site Link:

       In this link, you will be able to find information about an Arduino hands-on guide called Arduino In Action. The authors of this guide book are Martin Evans (professional developer and a lifelong electronics enthusiast), Joshua Noble (creative technologist based in the Pacific Northwest) and, Mark Sproul (hardware and software expert at the Rutgers School of Engineering). In this link, you will also be able to see the table of contents, description and different prices of Arduino In Action.

       The things one can create with Arduino is simply amazing.  Building an autonomous robot or automating your home electronics are two of the many things you can do it with Arduino.  As I mentioned before, the Arduino in Action is a hands-on guide to prototyping and building electronics using the Arduino platform. This guide book is suitable for beginners and experts. It will guide you through the number of projects that can be created with Arduino!

     What can be found inside the Arduino In Action?
  • Getting started with Arduino—no experience required
  • Basics of assembling hardware projects
  • Writing programs for Arduino
  • Sensing and responding to events
  • Robots, flying vehicles, twitter machines, LCD displays, and more!
    The prices of the guide book:
    MEAP + Ebook only - $31.99
    MEAP + Print book (includes Ebook) when available - $39.99

Monday, September 26, 2011

Arduino Powered, Chess Playing Robot Image!!!

Arduino Powered, Chess Playing Robot

          While I was googling Arduino projects/products, I came across this amazing website which allows us to see the number of projects you can accomplish with Arduino, http://hacknmod.com/topics/audio/. In this website,  The project I found the most interesting is the Arduino Powered, Chess Playing Robot (http://hacknmod.com/hack/arduino-powered-chess-playing-robot/) because it grabbed my attention instantly. The reason this project specifically grabbed my attention is because it is a simple, reliable and easy doable project. As a class or in a group, we can certainly create this robotic chess game if we have the determination and the correct resources. This Arduino Powered, Chess Playing Robot is very similar in appearence to the chess boards we can find at a game store. However, the chess pieces used in this robotic board game are metallic and are moved using a magnet controlled by a robotic arm. In this Chess Playing Robot, there is a microcontroller which controls the stepper motors and servos(moves pieces between sqaures). There are also 64 magnetically activated reed switches installed in the board that allows the Arduino to track the location of each piece. Moreover, I found the link that gives the instructions on how to create this Chess Playing Robot with Arduino, http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-an-Arduino-Powered-Chess-Playing-Robo/. If you go to this link, you will be able to see one disadvantage about creating this is that the materials needed to create this is very expensive and nearly impossible for DCTI to afford :(